Home and not so homemade remedies to avoid the mosquito plague

We have all heard different home remedies to avoid the mosquito plague that visits us every summer. Or perhaps we have seen one at our parents’ or grandparents’ house.

We can’t say that everything you’ve heard is true or too effective, but we’re going to propose a series of tips that may help improve the situation that arises every summer.

The first thing is to know the habits of mosquitoes and, although the tiger mosquito (if you want to know how to get rid of the tiger mosquito click here) is a bit on its own, we will stick to the common mosquito.

From dusk to sunrise

The greatest activity of mosquitoes is recorded between 8 p.m. and 8 a.m. Ponds and standing water is one of their favorite places, as this is where they breed. A fact that is usually very unknown is that mosquitoes do not feed on the blood of humans or animals that bite, they feed on nectar and sap, but females need blood to be able to lay their eggs and reproduce.

The plants in our gardens

Then we will see that there are plants that help repel mosquitoes and other insects, but if we have plants at home or in our garden, we have to be aware that the mosquito feeds on those plants and, therefore, our home will be a feeding place for them. The female will also alternate her feeding on our plants, with the extraction of our blood in what she will consider a perfect cycle.

If you have a garden, we must control small puddles that have formed on the ground, as this will increase the presence of mosquito families in search of a better future.

Plants that can help us control pests

Anti-mosquito plants: lavender

If you have a garden or you like to have plants at home, you can take the opportunity to plant some of the following:

Lavender, which can affect the mosquito’s sense of smell.

Calendula, which has a smell that they don’t like too much.

Citronella, its citrus smell is a good repellent for mosquitoes.


Rosemary, in this case it is its woody aroma that repels mosquitoes.

Basil, which can also repel flies.

Anti-mosquito geranium, with a smell similar to lemon.

Bergamot, which attracts butterflies and bees, but if you crush the leaves, the oil that comes off can be a good repellent for mosquitoes.

And last but not least, mint, ideal for those who want a mosquito repellent that is non-toxic.

Non-Home Remedies

There are many home remedies to avoid mosquitoes. When we go to the supermarket we have at our disposal an endless number of products that assure us that they can scare away mosquitoes, but not all of them work too well, such as the bracelets they sell so that our children go on a somewhat more protected colony. Repellent sprays work, but not all, we recommend Autan™ Spray.

Home remedies: anti-mosquito coil

When we go to the supermarket we have at our disposal an endless number of products that assure us that they can scare away mosquitoes, but not all of them work too well, such as the bracelets they sell so that our children go on a somewhat more protected colony. Repellent sprays work, but not all, we recommend Autan™ Spray (click here).

We can’t assure you that mosquito coils are very effective, but some smell great

Electric repellents, either in their format of small liquid tanks, or in tablets, are quite efficient as long as the distance between the device and us is not too large and there is not too much ventilation in the house. And, in case there was any doubt, they do not work in open spaces.

We have recently tested a spray that allows you to have a quiet time in case you want to dine on our terrace. By applying it in some specific places around our table, a barrier is created that can last just over two hours. If you are interested in this product call us

Professional remedy

All of the above can be complemented with a fumigation service that our TERMICOR technicians carry out on a fortnightly basis.

Are you going to let mosquitoes spoil your wonderful summer afternoons?
