How to Eliminate the Tiger Mosquito Yourself

Spring is here and with it the flowers, the sun, the rains… and the mosquitoes!

Yes, tiger mosquitoes. And unfortunately they are not trapped in amber like the ones in Jurassic Park.

After winter, they wake up from their lethargy and set out to make up for lost time. And boy do they do!

Possibly, many of you don’t remember the last time you enjoyed your terrace in peace.

Those meals in the company of family and friends where the most important thing was who said the biggest bullshit. Or the problems that the brother-in-law on duty was going to put in…

No, now the most important thing is to try not to be riddled with tiger mosquitoes.

And the truth is that the subject is starting to get tiring, because we have been with them for more than 15 years.

I’m sure you’ve tried everything, but you don’t know how to get rid of them.

The list of purchased methods and products should be endless.

But no, tiger mosquitoes are still there… and their bites too.

Wondering why?

Well, keep reading because this is of interest to you.


Here I introduce you to an Aedes albopictus, our archenemy, better known as the Tiger Mosquito.

Tiger mosquito specimen

And here I introduce you to a Hommo sapiens sapiens, that is, us:

Human Caricature

A priori we don’t look much alike, do we?… But I’m telling you that we’re united by a great relationship (much to our regret!)

This link is based on the fact that tiger mosquitoes need 2 things to reproduce:

One is WATER.

And the other is BLOOD… and the worst thing is that they love ours.

Yes, I’m sorry, but that’s the way it is.

And right now I could tell you about its life cycle, its ecology, its suction mechanism, etc.

Yes, I assure you that I could do it (in fact I am a biologist and it is not difficult for me to let go of the roll), but I consider that there are already many articles talking about it.

In the end, I think the important thing for you is not all that information, but how it affects you, right?

So let’s get down to business!

Why do mosquitoes bite us and why is it so difficult to get rid of them?

Let’s start by specifying: the ones that bite us are the females.

Yes, once again women are the bad guys in the movie… Although this time, and without serving as a precedent, they are right.

The belief that mosquitoes feed on blood is false.

They actually feed on nectar and fruit juices.

So why do they sting us?

Well, females do it because they need the blood of their victims to be able to nourish and develop their eggs.

For this reason, only females have special mouthparts, prepared to be able to pierce the skin and thus suck the blood.

Did you know that each bite turns into about 100 eggs?

And that these eggs need only 7 days to transform into adults?

Well, do the math…

In a week, you can have 700 new tiger mosquitoes for each bite.

Fortunately, not all of them come to fruition!

It is in your hand to ensure that as few of these eggs as possible become adults.

Anyway, do we stop talking about the problem and start talking about how to solve it?


I wish I could tell you that it’s simple and that I have the secret potion.

The reality is that the sum of several actions is necessary to significantly reduce the population of tiger mosquitoes and, thus, be able to recover our terrace.

Well, rather, to enjoy our terraces again, without that tension that is palpable in the atmosphere, when we begin to see the first specimens fluttering next to us.

Sometimes it feels like they’re queuing up to sting us, right?

As I have already told you, getting rid of tiger mosquitoes in our gardens or terraces is not easy. But by knowing them and putting into practice everything I am going to tell you, you are closer to achieving it.


1- No water, no mosquitoes

Tiger mosquitoes breed in stagnant, preferably shady, water.

Any small accumulation of water is enough, since, as you know, they only need the water to remain there for a week.

I ask you to try to think like them and detect, as soon as possible, possible breeding foci.

So, put on your detective suit and start looking for any suspicious spots.

Here are some ideas:

  • Pot plates.
  • Sinks
  • Water pipes
  • Buckets or containers outside.
  • Areas permanently flooded by irrigation.
  • Animal feeders.

These are just a few of the places where you can find foci. Of course, each home or location has its peculiarities.

In any case, when you detect a possible breeding source, you must eliminate it or prevent the accumulation of water in it.

For example, removing or turning the dishes from the pots while they are not watering. Turning or removing buckets and containers that can fill with water if it rains. Avoiding areas that are continuously flooded, etc.

Remember, stagnant water out!, it is essential.

2- Don’t let them reach adults

You already know that tiger mosquitoes need to lay their eggs in stagnant water. And I know that you’re going to do everything you can to avoid them…

But what will you do in cases that are unavoidable?

For example, in scuppers, drains, pipes…

In these places we have 2 options: prevent mosquitoes from accessing and, therefore, do not deposit their eggs there; or act on the larvae so that they do not become adults.

In the first case, you can place dense mosquito nets to stop their entry.

If you have a small pond, the easiest thing to do is to put some fish to eat the larvae… They will do the work for you!

But it’s not always that easy, right?

For example, in the pipelines. There it will be necessary to apply a larvicide product.

I recommend that it be biological for many reasons: to have a healthier environment; avoid unwanted poisoning; do not pollute the water…

In addition, if you use this type of larvicide, the water will continue to be suitable for irrigation.

3- Catch Them

Can you imagine being able to capture a good number of mosquitoes?

Well, yes, it is possible. There are some very good tiger mosquito traps on the market, which even simulate our scent to attract them. This is the BG Mosquitaire.

The bad news is that they are only efficient if they are placed in the right place and properly maintained.

To choose the ideal place, it is necessary to carry out a good preliminary study, monitoring the area to detect hot spots.

Otherwise, you may end up throwing the money away… And I can tell you that it is not cheap at all.

4- Insecticides

The typical insecticidal sprays can be helpful to apply when we find a mosquito inside our homes. Too bad that when used outdoors, they disperse and are not effective.

There are also products to be used as fumigation… but I advise you to avoid them as much as possible.

First of all, because of its toxicity for your loved ones and for the environment. And, secondly, because its uncontrolled use can make mosquitoes resistant to the insecticide, thus generating a greater problem.

These products should be applied only when necessary and always by qualified personnel, who will know what minimum dose is necessary and in what time frames the application can be repeated.

5- If you can’t beat the enemy… Repel him!

There are endless products on the market aimed at repelling the tiger mosquito. They are not infallible but they help somewhat.

As for skin repellents, it is important that they contain DEET or Icaridin. They are the only effective ones for the tiger mosquito.

Another option is to use some environmental repellent. For me, personally, citronella candles have never given me good results. On the other hand, spirals work very well for me, although they only have an effect in the closest range, of course.

So, remember, if you see a coil lit, ask for the place that is closest!


Can you imagine feeling cómod@ on your terrace or garden again?

Without the psychosis of thinking about whether you are going to be bitten by mosquitoes or not.

To be able to enjoy your entire terrace or garden without limiting yourself to trying to create a mosquito-free bubble based on spirals, traps, lamps, ultrasound devices and citronella candles (in addition to entrusting yourself to all the saints even if you are not a believer).

If you follow all the tips I’ve told you about in this article, you can achieve it.

And if you don’t feel like it, you can always turn to a specialized company to do the work for you.

And that also gives you guarantees.

By the way, I don’t know if you know, but we can help you ;-).

Request a free inspection and we will give you a no-obligation quote.
