Termicor, eco-friendly

What does it mean that Termicor is an eco-friendly company?

Ecofriendly is another of those Anglicisms that we have incorporated into our vocabulary almost without realizing it or, perhaps, because we think it is more “cool” (and here is another one) than saying that we are respectful of the environment. In addition, now that it seems so urgent that we all make an effort for our environment and the consequences that our actions have on it.

Can a pest control company be eco-friendly?

All our actions, whatever we do, have an effect on the environment. And a company dedicated to pest control also has the handicap of using a series of chemical products with very powerful components. However, the important thing is to find a way to make our impact as small as possible. An example: if we go by public transport to our workplace, we are also polluting and damaging our environment, but much less than if the fifty people who go with me on the metro or on the bus, each of us took a car to go to work. If, in addition, all these cars are more than ten years old and their fuel is diesel, things are even worse.

How can we measure our impact on our environment?

Ecofriendly. Huella de carbono

This is when we start talking about what is called “the carbon footprint”

The carbon footprint is an indicator that establishes the impact on the environment of the actions carried out by a group or organization. It measures energy consumption, water, emissions, etc., to establish the aforementioned indicator. Current legislation already establishes mandatory for certain types of companies as far as the measurement of this indicator is concerned.

If you want to know more about the carbon footprint click here

What measures do we establish at Termicor to be as ecofriendly as possible?

Ecofriendly, electric car

Prioritizing cleaner fuels

When it comes to renewing our vehicle fleet, we set priorities for hybrid or electric vehicles.

We recycle, recycle and recycle

In our facilities we recycle as much as we can and, of course, the hazardous materials we use for our work have a controlled process of destruction or recycling.

Ecofriendly, recycle

Choice of suppliers

Choice of suppliers and products

When choosing the line of products that we are going to use and the methods that are carried out for their application, we always take into account that the products used for their manufacture are as ecological as possible and do not lose effectiveness.

In addition, our suppliers also have to be environmentally friendly.

Eco-responsible work processes

In all our work processes we establish environmental measures. Nothing should be left to chance if we want to preserve our land.
