Possible pests do not disappear, but it is true that their appearance becomes more difficult with the arrival of cold and bad weather, hence we say see you later!, but not without leaving you a few tips to keep pests at bay for this winter. So our blog will be back in April after a short break.
The hidden vices of a house are practically undetectable during the few visits we make to buy it.
In an effort to address one of the most common and challenging pest problems, the Termicor team was recently invited to share their experience in an exclusive interview with the IB3 television network. The interview offers an in-depth look at the bed bug problem and how Termicor has become a leader in controlling this pest in our community.
Effective pest management in hotels is essential for the operation of any establishment open to the public. But it becomes especially sensitive when we talk about a hotel, since when we stay in them, it becomes our home for a short time. We sleep, eat, shower..., and the presence of pests can make our room a horror.
To talk about plagues throughout history, it is mandatory to talk about the most famous plague of all time: the plague. As it could not be otherwise, much has been said about this plague, films have been made, books and documentaries have been written that have explained the different occasions in which this plague has decimated entire populations, the causes of its spread and the methods used at the time to eradicate it.
Many people say goodbye to summer this September, gather their belongings and return to their work routine. If you also belong to the group of holidaymakers who own a summer home, we will try to provide some tips to avoid finding our wonderful summer property deteriorated by some pests that have roamed freely during our absence. As our grandparents said, "prevention is better than cure.
If Woody Allen will allow me, I will freely copy the title of one of his films to try to tell you everything you need to know about the processionary and never dared to ask.
Pest control in heritage-protected buildings presents unique challenges due to the need to preserve the historical and architectural integrity of these structures while addressing pest issues. These buildings often have special features and materials that require a careful and specialized approach to effectively control pests without damaging the historic value.