With the arrival of the hottest months of the year, the problem of cockroaches worsens in homes and premises, when there is not adequate control it can become a real pest, because cockroaches reproduce very quickly and pose a serious problem for people's health.
Spring is here and with it the flowers, the sun, the rains... and the mosquitoes! Yes, tiger mosquitoes. And unfortunately they are not trapped in amber like the ones in Jurassic Park. After winter, they wake up from their lethargy and set out to make up for lost time. And boy do they do! Possibly, many of you don't remember the last time you enjoyed your terrace in peace.
Both in spring and autumn, we have the nuptial flights of termites, which can coincide with winged ants, but how can I identify if it is a termite or an ant?
Termites are social insects whose members of the colony perform different jobs in the colony according to their caste (breeders, workers or soldiers). Knowing how termites reproduce can help you learn how to control them.
Being able to identify termites isn't easy, especially if you're not an expert in xylophages. Termites are sneaky little pests that can enter your home through a crack as thin as an envelope and begin to cause damage as soon as they find wood in your home's structure.
In the book of good practices, when someone starts a cycle in the online world with their website, one of the important aspects is the creation of a blog. In it, interesting things will be told for people who can read it (in this case, you). What I intend with this simple post is to put the starting point, entitled "Hello world". Well, nothing, we start this project with great enthusiasm and with a LOT of desire to add value in this small refuge of content.